Ein fotografisches Essay über die Gegenseitigkeit von Mensch und Natur am Ende der Welt.
A photographic essay about the reciprocity of humankind and nature at the end of the world.
10* + Print
Zur Ausstellung im sandkasten gibt es eine special Edition von
10 handgemachten Büchern mit einem original Print in 24x30cm.
For the exhibition in the sandkasten there is a special edition of
10 handmade books with an original print in 24x30cm.
Buch, Inkjet-Druck auf 150g Munken Naturweiss. Kettelstich Bindung, handgenäht und geklebt. Umschlag Karton mit 80g Satogami.
Book, inkjetprint on 150g Munken warmwhite. Kettelstich binding, handcrafted. Covercardboard with 80g Satogami.
4.8.-16.09.20 - 24/7
Eine Foto- und Buchausstellung in den Meisterhöfen, Sandstrasse 33, 80335 München
A photo and book exhibition in the Meisterhöfe, Sandstrasse 33, 80335 München.
SANDKASTEN - Temporärer Ausstellungsraum in den Meisterhöfen, Sandstrasse 33, 80335 München
“For life is a journey through a wilderness”
„Roadkill“ a journal entry
One hill after another.
Trees are permitted to die slowly.
The path is only a few centimeters wide,
the aisle in the woods gapes open.
Death is in the air, all the day.
The bigger the trunk, the sooner
his stench reaches me.
Heap great and small scattered
across the land.
Hide mauling and rotting
piles of meat.
Lovers of the twilight, wiped away.
Just signposts. I choose to take them home
with me, just in my mind,
but therefore
05.02.19, Gladstone, Tasmania